if you didn't know this before, i love my hometown.
we're a small place, quiet and slow. the speed limit is just whatever it takes to recognize your neighbor and wave hello.
main street businesses open around 11am and close around 8, unless it's "shop-at-home" day. then it's 10.
on snowy winter days, all the neighbors band together to defeat the shadowy "snowplow-man" and his irksome "berms."
on memorial day weekend, at least half the townsfolk purge their closets and deposit their contents onto the street edges while the other half, along with the visitors from "down below," wanders the town for good deals and warm handshakes.
...and a magical thing happens when summer decides to arrive.
according to local legend, many years ago aphids plagued the greenery. it's difficult to grow things as it is in the dry mountain soil we've got, so this became quite the problem. no one thought of funky chemicals; no one would have agreed to it. instead, several large airplanes flew over the town, dropping thousands of tiny gifts from the sky: ladybugs. the beetle artillery gobbled up the aphids, and the town's greenery lived happily ever after. now, to this day, when the temperature begins to climb back into the seventies after long bouts of snowy frost, hundreds of these warriors' ancestors reawaken from winter slumber and fill the air, alighting on the sunbeams like fairies.
and guess what? today is that day. oh, joy of summer!
enjoy the hand-spun fairy sunshine today!
until you orbit by again,